Saturday, January 23, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions - Visual Basic

# Which controls can not be placed in MDI ?

# List out controls which does not have events

# Which property of textbox cannot be changed at runtime. What is the max size of textbox?

# How many system controls are available

# ___,_____ and ____ container objects.

# ___ Property is to compress a image in image control.

# ___,___ and __ are difference between image and picture controls.

# To.set the command button for ESC ___ Property has to be changed.

# Is it possible to set a shortcut key for label.

# What is the default property of datacontrol.

# ___,__,___ are the type of combo box?

# __ no of controls in form.

# OLE is used for _______

# What is the need of tabindex property is label control.

# ___ is the control used to call a windows application.

# Clear property is available in ____,___ control.

# ___ Property is used to count no. of items in a combobox.

# ___ is a property to resize a label control according to your caption.

# Which controls have refresh method.

# ___ property is used to change to ___ value to access a identity column'in datacontrols.

# _____ is the property to ___,____,____ are valid for recordsource property of dat control.

# To find the current recordposition in data control.

# Timer control contains ________ no. of events.

# ____ property is used to lock a textbox to enter a datas.

# What is the need of zorder method?

# ____ is the difference between Listindex and Tab index.

# ____ property of menu cannot be set at run time.

# Can you create a tabletype of recordset in Jet - connected ODBC dbengine.

# Difference between listbox and combo box.

# What are the new events in textbox that has been included in VB6.0

# Can you create a updatecascade, Deletecascade relation in Ms- Access? If no, give on eample.

# _____ collection in recordset used to assign a value from textbox to table columns without making abinding in datacontrol.

# ___ argument can be used to make a menuitem into bold.

# What is the difference between Msgbox Statement and MsgboxQ function?

# What is.the difference between queryunload and unload in form?

# ___,___ arguments will be used to run a executable program in shell function

# ___ property used to add a menus at runtime.

# What is the difference between modal and moduless window?

# ___ VB constant make the menu item in centre.

# ___ method used to move a recordset pointer in nth position in DAG.

# To validate a range of values for a property whenever the property values changes,which type of property procedure you use?

# What are 3 main differences between flexgrid control and dbgrid control?

# What is the difference between change event in normal combobox and dbcombobox?

# To populate a single column value which dbcontrols you to use?

# What is ODBC?

# PartsofODBC?

# WhatisDSN?

# WhatisDAO?

# Types of cursors in DAO?

# Types of LockEdits in DAO? 51 .Types of Recordsets.

# Difference between Tabletype and Snapshot?

# Draw Sequence Modal of DAO? Explain.

# Difference between Dynaset and Snapshot?

# Difference between Recordset and Querydef?

# What is the use of Tabledef?

# Default cursor Type and LockEdit type in DAO?

# What is the default workspace?

# Is it posible to Create Tables Through Querydef?

# It is possible to access Text (x.txt) files? Explain.

# What is ODBC Direct and Microsoft Jet Database Engine ?

# Is it possible to Manipulate data through flexgrid? Explain.

# Types of DBCombo boxes

# What do you mean by Databound Controls? Explain.

# What is RDO?

# Types of cursors in RDO.

# Types of LockEdits in RDO.

# Types of LockEdits in RDO.

# Types of Resultsets.

# Difference between Recordset and Resultsets.

# Explain Default cursor Type and LockEdits type in RDO

# Draw Sequence Modal of RDO? Explain.

# What is meant by Establish Connection in RDO? 74.1s it possible to Access BackEnd procedures? Explain.

# What is OLE? Explain.

# What is DDE?

# Difference between Linked Object and Embedded Object?

# Explain OLE Drag and Drop.

# Difference between DDE and OLE.

# What is the difference between Object and Class?

# Give brief description about class?

# Does VB Supports OOPS Concepts? Explain..

# Difference between Class Module and Standard Module?

# Explain Get, Let, Set Properties.

# Difference Types of Procedures in VB?

# What is the use of NEW Keyword? Explain.

# What is constructors and distructors.

# Types of Modal windows in VB.

# What is ActiveX? Explain.

# Types of ActiveX Components in VB?

# Difference between ActiveX Control and Standard Control.

# Difference between ActiveX Exe and Dll.

# What is instantiating?

# Advantage of ActiveX Dll over Active Exe.

# Difference Types of Instancing Property in ActiveX Dll and Exe.

# What is ActiveX Dll and ActiveX Exe?

# Write the steps in Creating ActiveX Dll and Active Exe?

# Explain the differences between ActiveX Dll and ActiveX Exe?

# How would you use ActiveX Dll and ActiveX Exe in your application?

# How would you access objects created in ActiveX Exe and ActiveX D1T

# What is the use of ActiveX Documents?

# What is ActiveX Document?

# What is the use of Visual Basic Document file?

# What is hyperlink?

# How would you create Visual basic Document file?

# What is Internet Explorer and its uses?

# How would you navigate between one document to another document

# in Internet Explorer ?

# How would you run your ActiveX Document Dll?

# How would you view html code in Active Server Pages?

# How would you cre.ate your application in DHTML?

# What is ActiveX Control?

# Write the Steps in Creating an ActiveX Control?

# How would you attach an ActiveX control in Your Application?

# How would you create properties in ActiveX Control?

# What is the-use of property page Wizard in ActiveX Control?

# How would you add elements in TreevieW Control.

# What are the types of line styles available in Treeview Control?

# What is the use of Imagelist Controls

# How would you attach pictures in Treeview Control?

# What are the uses of List View Control?

# Explain the types of Views in Listview Control.

# How would you attach pictures in column headers of List View Control?

# How would you add column headers in listview control?

# How would you add elements and pictures to listitems in listview control?

# How would you activate animation control?

# What is the use of progress Bar Control?

# How would you find out the value property in Slider Bar Control?

# What is the use of Data Form Wizard?

# How would you map properties to controls by using ActiveX Control Interface Wizard?

# How would you convert a form into document?

# How would you Create a Query Builder and Explain its uses

# How would you create properties by using class Builder Wizard?

# HTML stands for What? Use of HTML ?

# Whether HTML supports multimedia: and document links?

# DHTML Is used for what?

# What do you mean by HTTP?

# What is the use of Hyperlink control for DHTML applications?

# How can you Navigate from the DHTML application to another DHTML application? .

# What are the Internet tools available in VB6.0?

# Explain the usage of Web Browser Control?

# What do you mean by ADO?

# What is the difference Between ADO and other data access objects0

# WhatisOLEDB?

# What are the important components of OLEDB?

# Through which protocol OLEDB components are interfaced?

# It possible to call OLEDB's Features directly in VB without using any control?

# What type of databases you can access through AD I Data Access Object?

# How many objects resides in ADO ?

# What is the use of Connection object?

# What is the use of command Object?

# Recordset object consists what?

# What is the use of parameters collection?

# Which type of object requires this object?

# Is it possible to call backend procedures with ADO control?

# Is there any Edit method in ADO Data Access method?

# How can you check whether a record is valid record or Invalid record using ADO control or Object?

# What do you mean by provider?

# What type of recordsets are available in ADO?

# Is it possible to call oracle database through ADO control or Object?

# How many File System Controls are there ? Explain.

# How can you filter out specific type of file using file system controls?

# How can you get selected file from file system Control?

# How many ways we can access file using VB?

# Which method is preferred to save datas like database?

# How to get freefile location in memory?

# How to find size of the file. Which method or function is used to occomplish this?

# Using which type we can access file line by line?

# Which method is used to write context Into file?

# How can you read content from file?

# Binary Access-method isused to access file in which manner?

# How can you check Beginning and End of the file?

# What is the use of Scalewidth and ScaleHeight Proeperty?

# What is the use of Active Control Property?

# How can you save and Get data from Clipboard/

# What are the types of Error?

# In which areas the Error occurs?

# What are the tools available for Debuggiu in VB?

# What is the use of Immediate, Local Window?

# What is the use of debug Window?

# How can you Implement windows functionality in VB?

# How many types of API functions are availble in VB?

# How can you Add API functions to your Application?

# How to get Cursor position using API?

# Is it possible to change menu runtime using API? If yes? Specify the function names.

# What are the types of API Types.

# Scope of API's can be of types, what are they? Why API functions are Required?

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