Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Displaying the controls of page

Diplaying the controls
Public Sub DisplayControlName(ByVal oControl As Control, ByVal strPageName As String)
        Dim txtBox As TextBox
        Dim ddlLst As DropDownList
        Dim rdBtn As RadioButton
        Dim rdBtnLst As RadioButtonList
        Dim chkBx As CheckBoxList
        Dim chkBx1 As CheckBox
        Dim lblVal As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
        Dim htmTbl As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTable
        Dim btnVal As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
        ' Checks for all the WebBased Control in the web page
                Select Case oControl.GetType.ToString
                    'Case "System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox" ' for textbox control
                    '    txtBox = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                    '    If Not txtBox.ID Is Nothing Then
                    '        If Not txtBox.Text.ToString() Is Nothing Then
                    '            If txtBox.Text.Length > 0 Then
                    '                ArrayLst.Add(New String() {strPageName & "_" & txtBox.ID & "_" & "TextBox" & "_" & "N/A", txtBox.Text.ToString()})
                    '            End If
                    '        End If
                    '    End If
                    Case  MultiLang_DropDownListControl ' for Dropdownlist control
                        ddlLst = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                        If Not ddlLst Is Nothing Then
                        End If
                    Case  MultiLang_RadioButtonControl ' for radio button control
                        rdBtn = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                        If Not rdBtn Is Nothing Then
                            ArrayLst.Add(New String() {strPageName & "_" & rdBtn.ID & "_" MultiLang_RadioButton & "_" & MultiLang_NA, rdBtn.Text.ToString()})
                        End If
                    Case  MultiLang_RadioButtonListControl ' for radio button control
                        rdBtnLst = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                        If Not rdBtnLst Is Nothing Then
                            Dim MyItem As ListItem
                            For Each MyItem In rdBtnLst.Items
                                ArrayLst.Add(New String() {strPageName & "_" & rdBtnLst.ID & "_" &  MultiLang_RadioButtonList & "_" & MyItem.Value & "_" &  MultiLang_NA, MyItem.Text.ToString()})
                        End If
                    Case  MultiLang_CheckBoxListControl
                        chkBx = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                        If Not chkBx Is Nothing Then
                            Dim MyItem As ListItem
                            For Each MyItem In chkBx.Items
                                ArrayLst.Add(New String() {strPageName & "_" & chkBx.ID & "_" &  MultiLang_CheckBoxList &"_" & MyItem.Value & "_" &  MultiLang_NA, MyItem.Text.ToString()})
                        End If
                    Case  MultiLang_CheckBoxControl ' for checkbox control
                            'Dim strVal As Object
                            If Not TypeOf oControl.NamingContainer Is CheckBoxList Then
                                chkBx1 = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                                If Not chkBx1 Is Nothing Then
                                    If Not chkBx1.Text.Equals(""Then
                                        ArrayLst.Add(New String() {strPageName & "_" & chkBx1.ID & "_" &  MultiLang_CheckBox & "_" &  MultiLang_NA, chkBx1.Text.ToString()})
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        Catch ex As Exception
                        End Try
                    Case  MultiLang_LabelControl ' for label control
                            lblVal = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                            ' HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("
" & "Label:- " & lblVal.Text)
                            If Not lblVal Is Nothing Then
                                If Not lblVal.Text.Equals(""Then
                                    ArrayLst.Add(New String() {strPageName & "_" & lblVal.ID & "_" &  MultiLang_Label & "_" &  MultiLang_NA, lblVal.Text.ToString()})
                                End If
                            End If
                        Catch ex As Exception
                        End Try
                    Case  MultiLang_HtmlTableControl ' for fetching table control
                        htmTbl = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                        Dim MyRow As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow
                        Dim mycell As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell
                            ' Travesing each row in the table and then traversing the cells
                            For Each MyRow In htmTbl.Rows
                                For Each mycell In MyRow.Cells
                                    If mycell.Controls(0).GetType().ToString().Equals( MultiLang_LiteralControl) Then
                                        ' If mycell.InnerText.Length > 0 Then
                                        If Not mycell.ID Is Nothing Then
                                            If Not mycell.InnerText.ToString() Is Nothing Then
                                                If mycell.InnerText.Length > 0 Then
                                                    ArrayLst.Add(New String() {strPageName & "_" & mycell.ID & "_" &  MultiLang_td & "_" &  MultiLang_NA, mycell.InnerText.ToString()})
                                                End If
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                        'End If
                                    End If
                        Catch ex As Exception
                        End Try
                    Case  MultiLang_ButtonControl ' for fetching button control
                        btnVal = oControl.FindControl(oControl.ID)
                        If Not btnVal Is Nothing Then
                            ArrayLst.Add(New String() {strPageName & "_" & btnVal.ID & "_" &  MultiLang_Button & "_" &  MultiLang_NA, btnVal.Text.ToString()})
                        End If
                End Select

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